Louis Vuitton's Capucines MM in Taurillon Leather Review

Louis Vuitton

If you're into luxury fashion, chances are you've heard of Louis Vuitton. For years, Louis Vuitton (LV) has been a recognized luxury brand known for its exceptional craftsmanship and quality products. Among the brand's extensive product line, the LV classic bag stands out as a perfect example of the exceptional quality that the brand is known for.

Owning a Louis Vuitton bag might be a dream for some of you since the brand is renowned for its high-end products, including its iconic Capucines MM bag. However, with a price tag of $7,500, it's not exactly what you'd call affordable. With the market for counterfeit luxury goods continuously growing, it can be challenging to determine the authenticity of a high-end bag without proper knowledge. That's why, as someone who loves high-quality leather products, I wanted to see for myself whether this bag is really worth the investment.

In this blog post, I'll be sharing my review of the LV Capucines MM and discussing whether it's worth its hefty price tag. We'll also be taking a closer look at one of these LV bags to ensure that it is indeed the real deal.

DISCLAIMER: This is an UNSPONSORED review. I purchased all of these products myself and am not affiliated with the brand mentioned in any way. All statements and expressions made about the products are solely the opinion of Tanner Leatherstein and are not meant to be conclusive or definitive. The purpose of this video is for informational and educational purposes only. We recommend that as a consumer, you exercise your due diligence and research on the products before adopting the opinion of Tanner Leatherstein. 

To start off, I decided to go with a pre-loved option to get the bag at a lower cost. I found one on RealReal from the 2015 collection for about $2,400, which is significantly less than the current retail price. However, even at the pre-loved price, it's still a substantial amount of money for a bag that's eight years old.

Before I could even think about the bag's performance, I first had to assess its authenticity. As someone new to learning the authentication process of luxury brands, I signed up for the Entrupy service to validate the bag's authenticity with their AI-based software. Additionally, I visited the RealReal authentication center in New Jersey to see their authentication process firsthand.

After confirming the bag's authenticity, I could finally put it to the test to see how it held up over the years. Let me say this: I was not disappointed. The bag's quality was top-notch, and the structure was still intact despite its age. The leather was also still in great condition.

At first look, the consistency of the leather inside and outside of the bag, coupled with the high-quality hardware adorned with LV logos, sets a good initial impression. The logo embossing and date codes are also present, adding further assurance of authenticity. And upon closely examining the bag's stitching and edge paint, there are no red flags of it being a fake.

Moving on to the lining, this particular bag has a full leather lining, which is an excellent sign of quality. It's a refreshing sight to see, considering some luxury bags use PU leather instead of real leather for the lining, which is disappointing. But this bag's leather lining is real leather, and the craftsmanship is evident.

Regarding the leather of the main body, it's described as Taurillon leather, which means bull-calf in French. And given the tight grain, it looks consistent with young male calf hides. This type of leather works beautifully for high-end bag projects, and the finish on this leather isn't excessive, allowing the fine grain to show through and giving a premium look and feel to the bag.

As for the hardware, Louis Vuitton uses some of the best quality hardware you could ask for in leather goods. It's a common finding among luxury brands, but LV doesn't take any shortcuts in ensuring that their hardware is top-notch.

For the functionality of the bag, I can say it exceeded my expectations. It is also worth noting that this bag is incredibly versatile and roomy, with plenty of space for a laptop, iPad, and other essentials. The compartments made it easy to organize all belongings. It's perfect for someone who likes to carry their work bag and purse in one place as it is perfect for everyday use. The longer strap makes it comfortable to carry and can be adjusted to your desired length. The strap is also detachable, giving you the option to carry it as a shoulder bag or a handbag. It's a beautiful piece that adds a touch of elegance to any outfit, from casual to professional attire.

However, there is one thing that I picked on this bag: the side stitches that held the flap. From my experience, they looked weak for the position they were in. A better application would have been to apply a stronger saddle stitch there to ensure durability and hold, as the flap is a heavy moving part which may break the thinner stitch used there. Aside from that, it is a well-done work, and the bag has held up well.

Another thing to note is that the bag does not come with a zip closure, which some people may prefer for security reasons. However, I personally found the flap closure to be just as secure and gave the bag a timeless and elegant look.

While I loved the bag, the $7500 price tag is quite high, given my estimate of $410 to make a custom bag of this sort. I would like to see more craftsmanship at this level, similar to the saddle-stitched leather bags from Hermes or talented artisans like MilaJito or Peter Nitz, around this quite hefty price point. But of course, this is one of the super brands of our time, and it comes with a premium. If you care to carry the LV logo and want to get a bag with exquisite leather, it could be worth it for you.


I can say that the LV Capucines MM is worth the investment if you're into luxury fashion. While the price tag may be steep, the quality and functionality make it a long-term investment that will last for years to come. It is a premium product that is worth the investment if you can afford it. The one thing to watch out for is the side stitches that hold the flap which could be stronger. Overall, this is a remarkable product from an exceptional brand. If you're looking for a classic, timeless piece that adds an extra touch of luxury to your outfit, I would highly recommend this bag. 

Additionally, if you're considering purchasing a pre-loved option like I did, make sure to look into the authentication process and only purchase from trusted resellers. Doing so will give you peace of mind knowing that you're investing in an original LV product. Analyzing the key features of this Louis Vuitton bag has helped us determine its authenticity. The consistency of the leather, the quality of the hardware and lining, and the fine craftsmanship all point toward a genuine LV bag.

But as the market for counterfeit goods continues to grow, it's important always to do thorough research and be aware of the red flags when purchasing luxury items. And for those of us who own genuine bags, let's cherish them and, if possible, consider upcycling any excess materials to create beautiful new leather crafts. In conclusion, if you're willing to splurge on a high-end bag and prioritize quality, the LV Capucines MM is a smart investment that is sure to stand the test of time.

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